
18 October 2010

Trick Celcom broadband RM6.00

(Update 28/5/10)Trick Celcom broadband RM6.00 dapet maen net_nya seminggu,,,!!!
Ok,,,karena udeh ada yg trtarik langsung ja gw share ne,,,!!!
Step :
1=> tekan *118# lalu ''yes''(panggil) trus reply 3(broadband)send_reply 2(subcribe weekly)send_reply 1(scubcribe now)
lakukan trick di atas sebanyak 3x berturut-turut!!yang nantinya akan disambung dgn
2=>tekan *118# lalu ''yes''(panggil) trus reply 3(broadband)send_reply 1(subcribe daily)send_reply 1(subscribe now)send...!
Setiap request yg sudah kita kirim tadi akan di balas dr celcom sebanyak tiga mesej yg menyatakan request gagal,dan mesej ke 4 akan menyatakan request berhasil,tp hanya 24jam,,,tp jangan hiraukan mesej tersebut,,karena server sudah mendeteksi bawa anda sudah subscribe broadband selama satu minggu,,,,!!!
Selamat mencoba,,,n good luck,,,!!!
Di tunggu coment nya nech

16 October 2010

Free flow of Maxis Prepaid Broadband!!! No charge at all!

Want to browse through the internet by using your phone but would not like to pay for it?

Hahahaha, now there is a great trick for you! Just follow the simple steps below:

1) Download and install Opera Mini which suites your phone.

2) Dial *100# and you will see a listed menu.

3) Select no.7 (Internet&Settings) > Select no.3 (prepaid broadband) > Select no.4 (service switching) >Select no.2 (Switch to Prepaid Broadband) > Select no.1 (Proceed)

4) You will receive a confirmation sms.

5) Change your APN from “unet” into “bbnet”. For Nokia phone, this setting will be in “Settings> Connectivity>Destinations>Access Points”.


p/s: steps no5 may not need in few phones. Good luck! =)

5 Oktober 2010 This service is still available in my phone without deducting my money. My friend called Maxis and asked them for help on how to use free internet service in Opera Mini. They taught him this way! In other words, this is not a bug if what my friend said is true! Wish you luck! =)

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09 October 2010

Sumpah/ikrar Pemutus ~ Jin & Syaitan dlm Diri/FamiLy

Sumpah/ikrar Pemutus ~ Jin & Syaitan dlm Diri/FamiLy
Doa ini elok dibaca utk sesiape shj ~ Pesakit/Perawat yg bermasalah dgn Gangguan Dirinya.
Setiap kali lepas Solat . ELok juga di suruh "Pesakit" baca/ikrar sebelum Muallij mulakan Rawatan.
[Elok Perawat/Pesakit sendiri melakukan Puasa2 sunat, utk menutup lubang2 atau aliran Jin/Syaitan/Qarin dalam diri]

Bismillahi Rahmannir Rahim

Lailaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah

Bismillah Wallahi, Wabillahi, Wa Thallahi

Ya Allah Ya Haiyu
Ya Qaiyum Ya Azzhim
Ya Zaljalalliwalikram
Ya ArHammarRohimin
Ya Rabbal 'Alamin

Sesungguhnya Aku & mewakili DiriKu & Ahli KeluargaKu, dgn ini mengistiharkan utk mengHARAMkan dgn memutuskan sebarangbentuk
Perjanjian atau ikatan, Waima yg dtg sendiri,
kerana aku memanggil atau yg dibuat sebelum ini, atau dihantar oleh Makhluk yg berhasad,
dari segala Makhluk Halus Jin/Syaitan
dlm diri kami ini, sekiranya ada.

Aku maaf mereka, maka Engkau ampunilah mereka Ya Allah.

Engkau kurniakan kami dan mereka HidayahMu Ya Allah.

Dan Engkau berikan kami kekuatan serta Permudahkan mereka
keluar dari tubuhku ini, samada keluar dari Tanganku, kakiku,
dan melalui NajisKu Ya Allah.

Hanya padaMu kami bermohon, mengharap dgn segala
Rahman & Rahmat & RahimMu Ya Allah dan
kpdMu Kami berlindung & berserahdiri

Amin3..! Ya ArHammarRohimin Ya Rabbal'Alamin..!

WaSalallahu 'Ala Saidina Muhammadin wa'Ala Alihi
WaSahbi waBarik WaSallim.

05 October 2010

iBoot + MultiBeast: Install Mac OS X on any Intel-based PC

iBoot + MultiBeast: Install Mac OS X on any Intel-based PC
Posted by tonymacx86 on Monday, April 12, 2010

Labels: Core i5, Core i7, guide, iBoot, Mac, MultiBeast, OS X, P55, Snow Leopard, Video

Any OSx86 installation guide can seem daunting at first glance, especially when trying to remember cryptic terminal commands and sorting through volumes of misinformation on the web. This guide requires no coding, terminal work, or Mac experience of any kind. You will not need access to a Mac. In fact, it's easier and faster for me to install Snow Leopard with fully working components on my system than it is to install Windows 7. And more fun.

The iBoot + MultiBeast method is designed and tested for any desktop or laptop running the latest line of Intel processors, the Core i3/i5/i7s. I have had reports of success with older machines as well including CoreDuo, Core2Duo, and even Pentium 4. However, AMD processors are not supported.

A computer running an Intel Processor
A blank CD
A copy of the Mac OS X Snow Leopard Retail DVD
To leave any fear of your computer at the door.
Patience and humility- it may not work out perfectly the first time- but with enough tenacity and grit, you'll reach the promised land. It's easy to get frustrated, but don't give up! There are a community of users with similar hardware in the tonymacx86 Forum to provide support if you get stuck.
If you have greater than 4gb of RAM, remove the extra RAM for a maximum of 4gb. You can put back any extra RAM in after the installation process.
Use only 1 graphics card in the 1st PCIe slot with 1 monitor plugged in.
Remove any hard drives besides the blank drive being used for OS X.
Remove any USB peripherals besides keyboard and mouse.
Remove any PCI cards besides graphics- they may not be Mac compatible.
If using a Gigabyte P55 board, use the blue Intel SATA ports- not the white Gigabyte SATA ports.
It's best to use an empty hard drive- you will have to partition and format the drive.
Always back up any of your important data.
You will need to set your BIOS to ACHI mode and your Boot Priority to boot from CD-ROM first. This is the most important step, and one many people overlook. Make sure your bios settings match these. It's not difficult- the only thing I did on my Gigabyte board besides setting Boot Priority to CD/DVD first was set Optimized Defaults, change SATA to AHCI mode, and set HPET to 64-bit mode.

In order to boot the Mac OS X Retail DVD, you'll need to download and burn one of the 3 versions of iBoot. The most universal solution is iBoot NVIDIA. iBoot ATI adds drivers to support more ATI graphics cards. Or if you have a supported processor, such as the Core/Core2, or a new i3/i5 dual core, try iBoot Supported- with Vanilla kernel.

Download iBoot
Burn the image to CD
Place iBoot in CD/DVD drive
Restart computer
At Chameleon prompt, eject iBoot

Insert your Mac OS X Snow Leopard Retail DVD and press F5
When you see the screen below, press enter to begin the boot process

When you get to the installation screen, open Utilities/Disk Utility
NOTE: If you can't get to the installation screen, retry the process, but type -x at the screen above. This will enter Mac OS X Safe Mode, which will allow you to proceed.
Partition your hard drive to GUID Partition Table
Format your hard drive to Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
For the purposes of this guide, name it Snow Leopard. You can rename it later.
Close Disk Utility
When the installer asks you where to install, choose Snow Leopard
Choose Customize‚ and uncheck additional options. This will hasten the install process. You can always install this stuff later.
At the end of the installation, you may get an Install Failed: Mac OS X Cannot Be Installed on this Volume, as shown in the photo below. This is normal- and happens every time with the patched kernel that's loaded from iBoot. (You'll get a friendly Install Succeeded if you used iBoot Supported, because it uses the Vanilla kernel.)

Just continue with the guide. If you can't continue, reboot, erase the drive, and try the install again.
Restart computer.
Place iBoot back in drive.
When you get to the Chameleon boot selection screen, choose your new Snow Leopard installation.

View the super-cool Mac OS X Snow Leopard Welcome Video, and set up your computer!

STEP 3: UPDATE TO 10.6.4
Upon the release of 10.6.2 and the 27" Intel Core i5 and i7 iMacs, Mac OS X Snow Leopard officially supports the Core i5 750 and Core i7 860. The 10.6.4 Update will install a Vanilla Kernel, as well as a host of security and stability fixes. Details are available on Apple's website.
Open Finder and navigate to your Snow Leopard drive.
Right-click and delete Mac OS X Install Folder. This folder is an unnecessary remnant of the installation process, and serves no purpose.
Download the Mac OS X 10.6.4 Combo Update
Download MultiBeast
Open MultiBeast- don't run it yet, just leave it open. Set up windows as shown.

Mount MacOSXUpdCombo10.6.4.dmg
Install MacOSXUpdCombo10.6.4.pkg
Upon completion, the installer will ask you to reboot. DO NOT REBOOT.
Switch to the already open MultiBeast. If it closes, just re-open it.

MultiBeast is an all-in-one post-installation tool designed to enable boot from hard drive, and install support for Audio, Network, and Graphics. It contains two different complete post-installation solutions: EasyBeast and UserDSDT. In addition it includes System Utilities to rebuild caches and repair permissions and a collection of drivers, boot loaders, boot time config files and handy software.

Choose one of the following options directly following a fresh installation and update:

EasyBeast is a DSDT-free solution for any Core/Core2/Core i system. It installs all of the essentials to allow your system to boot from the hard drive. Audio, Graphics and Network will have to be enabled separately.

UserDSDT is a bare-minimum solution for those who have their own pre-edited DSDT. Place your DSDT.aml on the desktop before install. Audio, Graphics and Network will have to be enabled separately. HINT: Check the DSDT Database for a pre-edited DSDT.
Run MultiBeast.
If you have a custom DSDT that's been edited, place the file on your desktop, rename it DSDT.aml and choose UserDSDT.
All others select EasyBeast
Select System Utilities.
Optionally, if you know what other items you need you can select them as well. Be sure to read the documentation provided about each installation option. NOTE: EasyBeast, and UserDSDT install Chameleon RC4 by default, so you'll not need to check that option.
MultiBeast Demo Videos
Install to Snow Leopard- it should take about 4 minutes to run scripts.
Eject iBoot.
Reboot- from your new Snow Leopard installation drive.

Congratulations! You're done!!

Your PC is now fully operational, while running the latest version of Mac OS X Snow Leopard! And you have a nice Boot CD to get into your system in case things go awry. Boot your system from iBoot if you have issues. You may run MultiBeast as often as you like.

If you can't boot, try typing -x at the Chameleon prompt to enter safe mode, or just boot with iBoot. When you get to the desktop, you can make all of the changes you need to. The best way to start fresh is delete whatever you're trying to get rid of- including the whole /Extra folder, as most kexts are installed there. Then you can re-run MultiBeast. As long as you rebuild caches and repair permissions after you're done, you can do just about anything you want to /Extra/Extensions and /System/Library/Extensions. Anything can be tweaked and enabled upon subsequent uses of MultiBeast.

If you've had success using iBoot + MultiBeast, consider a contribution to help keep the sites going. We're constantly updating and tweaking our tools to help you.

Thanks in advance!

-tonymacx86 & MacMan

PS: For our most current workarounds and solutions for issues such as USB and audio, check out my Mac OS X 10.6.3 Update and Mac OS X 10.6.4 Update article. Good luck, and see you on the forum!

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